Kathryn Armstrong
Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, I am a lifelong fan of learning about the organisms around us. I have a scientific interest in almost anything with legs, and have been blessed by participating in volunteer and undergraduate research at PSU on mammals such as lagomorphs, pinnipeds, and chiropterans (but I also really love learning about spiders!). Some of my hobbies include drawing and painting, specimen prep (such as articulation), and invertebrate care/keeping.
Contact me at:
Joshua Hoover
Hi, I'm Josh! I like iced teas and learning about niche subjects. I adore my two cats, Mira and George, my betta fish named Bork, and my pet leech named Lychee Jelly. When I'm not busy with work or studying, I like exploring wildlife and watching documentaries. The significance of our environment cannot be understated, so I want to work in nature conservation to protect it so we can continue to enjoy it for a long time.
Contact me at: hoov2.pdx.edu